Friday 27 January 2017

Banking Awareness one linear


 Money lend for 15 days or more in Inter-bank market is called-term money
Money lent for one day is called-call money
Money market is the center of dealings mainly of short term character in monetary assets
 Mortgage is a-security on immovable property for a loan given by a bank
Mutual funds fall within the supervisory purview of SEBI
 NABARD was established in 1982
The fixed deposits, reinvestment deposits and recurring deposits are repayable after an
agreed period.
The following are the functions of a commercial bank namely; providing project finance;
settlement of payments on behalf of the customers; issuing credit and debit cards to the
customers and providing services such as locker facilities and remittances
The following are the functions of banks - accepting deposits; granting loans;collecting
cheques; issuing drafts; selling gold/silver coins
National Income Estimates in India are prepared by Central Statistics Commission
National savings certificates, infrastructure bonds, Indira Vikas Patras, Krishi Vikas
Patra etc. are examples of financial assets
Normally Economic Growth is coupled with ? ~~~~> Inflation.
Money laundering means - the process of conversion of money obtained illegally to
appear to have originated from legitimate sources
Money laundering refers to conversion of money which is legally obtained

NRI deposits are called as hot money
On which Rate at which commercial banks borrow short term funds with RBI ~~~~Repo
Public sector bank, foreign bank, private sector bank and regional rural bank are
classified as commercial banks
RBI declared that it has withdrawn the instruction of compensation to banks at how
much percent of the national value of counterfeit notes detected?25 Percent
Regional Rural Banks fall within supervisory purview of-RBI,Note: RBI is supervisor
and NABARD is regulator.
Regional Rural Banks were set up in 1975
Reserve Bank of India issues all the currency notes except one rupee note
Reserve Bank of India undertakes the following rates: CRR; SLR and repo rates
 Revelling credit is made available by the issuer in the case of ~~~~Credit Card
Savings bank accounts are opened by individuals for savings purposes
Scheduled commercial banks are banks which have been included in the second
schedule of RBI act, 1934; registered under companies act and got licence as per
Banking Regulations act 1949
SEBI means Securities and Exchange Board of India.
Securities and Exchange Board of India was established in 1988
 Six banks were nationalized during the second stage on 15.4.1980
Small finance Banks must disburse how much percent of their total adjusted net bank
credit to priority sector?75%
 State Bank of India was formulated as per SBI act 1955
 State Bank of Indore was merged with state Bank of India in which year ? ~~~~> 2010

T-bills are financial instruments initially sold by ________ to raise funds.-the
The account in which trading of shares in their electronic form is called as DEMAT
The bank branches which can undertake foreign exchange business directly are known
as approved dealers in foreign exchange
The banking ombudsman resolves the complaints of the customers in regard to services
provided by the banks
The capital market deals in long term funds, both debt and equity
The conversion of money which is illegally obtained is called as - money laundering
The credit risk to the bank is high from which of these cards - Credit cards
The crossing on a cheque can be cancelled by the drawer of the cheque under his full
The Economy in which there is a mixture of Public and Private Sector both is called ?
~~~~> Mixed Economy.
The excess of the total expenditures over total receipts is known as ? ~~~~> Budget
The financial literacy includes the following namely; how to invest the funds; how to use
the limited funds carefully; how to minimize the risks and how to reinvest the money
The first bank in India was set up on modern lines in 1770 by an agency house
The first bank note issued by Independent India was the One Rupee note issued in which
year? ~~~~> 1949
The first Indian bank to open a branch outside India in London in 1946 is Bank of India
 The first public sector bank to issue capital to public is – Oriental Bank of Commerce
The following are the sources of finance for any commercial bank - capital, borrowings
from RBI, deposits and cash reserves with RBI
The following constitutes the largest percentage of retail loans in the country - Home
The following is a measure taken by RBI in order to control inflation in the country -
raising of Repo and Reverse Repo rates.
 The following is not a primary function of a bank - Facilitating import of goods
The following represent the correct meaning of Repo rate - Rate for borrowing rupees by
banks from RBI
The fourteen banks which were nationalized on 19.7.1969 were-Central Bank of India;
Bank of Maharashtra; Dena Bank; Punjab National Bank; Syndicate Bank; Canara Bank;
Indian Bank; Indian Overseas Bank; Bank of Baroda; Union Bank; Allahabad
Bank; United Bank of India; United Commercial Bank and Bank of India
The headquarters of International Monetary Fund is located at which place ? ~~~~>
Washington DC.
The letter "L" available in the term LAF commonly used in financial/economic news is
called as- Liquidity
 The loans of very small amounts given to low income group is called as - Micro credit
The non performing assets of any bank are called as - sub standard assets, doubtful
assets and loss assets
The performing assets of any bank are called as - standard assets
The primary issuers of capital market securities include- the Central and Local
Governments and corporations
The rate at which the domestic currency can be converted into foreign currency and vice
versa is known as the - exchange rate
The reserves which can act as a liquidity buffer for commercial banks during crisis times
are CRR and SLR
The subsidiaries of State Bank of India are; State Bank of Patiala;State Bank of
Hyderabad; State Bank of Travancore; State Bank of Bikaneer and Jaipur and State
Bank of Mysore.
The usual deposit accounts of banks are-current accounts, savings bank accounts and
term deposit accounts
The usual deposit accounts of the banks are - current accounts, savings accounts and
term deposit accounts
To which country does Mohammad Yunus, who developed the concept of Micro Credit
and Micro Finance belong ? ~~~~> Bangladesh.
 Universal banking is the roof under which various banking products are available
 Up to what extent, FDI in Insurance sector is allowed by the government of India ?49%
Upper limit prescribed for RTGS transaction is-No upper limit is prescribed
 Urban cooperative bank is not a commercial bank
What do you understand by the term called as mortgage ?- Making the security of
immovable property available as a cover for a home loan availed by the borrower
What is the best option to park money for a long period of time to earn a high rate of
interest ~~~~Fixed Deposit A/c
What is the Cap on loan amount given out by a Non-Banking financial company –
Micro Finance Institution ?Rs 50000
What is the minimum tenure of deposits to be taken by NBFCs (Non Banking Financial
Companies) ?12 Months
What is the name of Australian Central Bank ~~~~Reserve Bank Australia
What reason told by RBI governor recently for not issuing the high denomination
currency above Rs 1000 bank note presently?Fear of Counterfeiting
When a banker talks about CDR, CDR is meant - Corporate Debt Restructuring.
When the ATM machine installed in the bank is out of order, it is called as operational
When the banks are not able to pay the amount to the depositors, it is called as liquidity
When the banks entertain in dealing with insurance business, it is called as
 When the banks products fail to survive in the market, it is called market risk
When the computers are not functioning, it is called as operational risk
 When the loans are not repaid in time, it is called as credit risk
 When the rate of inflation increases-purchasing power of money decreases
When the repayment period is between 37 to 84 months, such loans are called as
medium term loans
 When the repayment period is more than 84 months, they are called as long term loans
When the repayment period of any loan is upto 36 months, the loan is called as short
term loan
Where is the Federal Reserve system (The USA Central bank) headquartered ~~~~New
Where is the headquarter of Asian Development Bank ~~~~Manilla (Philippines)
 Where is the headquarter of World Bank Located? ~~~~> Washington D.C.
Where is the headquarters of Allahabad Bank located ? ~~~~> Kolkata.
Where is the headquarters of Badhan Bank’s Located ~~~~(Kolkata, Chairman
~~~~Ashok Lahiri)
 Where is the headquarters of Central Bank of India located ~~~~Mumbai
Which action will be taken by RBI to reduce the excess liquidity in the market
~~~~Increase CRR (Cash Reserve Ratio)
Which bank accredited by the green climate fund as an implementing entity for climate
change related projects in India ?NABARD
Which card product launched by the banks is working on the principle of ‘Buy Now Pay
Later’ ~~~~Credit Card
Which private sector bank has the maximum number of ATMs Machine in India ?
~~~~> ICICI Bank.
