Friday 27 January 2017

Banking Abbriviations


ABCI - Association of Business Communicators
of India
ABCP - Asset Backed Commercial Paper
ACU - Asian Clearing Union
ADB - Asian Development Bank
ADF - Augmented Dicky Fuller
ADR - Asset Development Reserve
ADRs - American Depository Receipts
ADs - Authorised Dealers
AERA - Airport Economic Regulatory Act
AFI - Annual Financial Inspection
AIFI - All India Financial Institution
AIMSCS - Advanced Institute of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science
ALM - Asset Liability Management
AMA - Advanced Measurement Approach
AMFI - Association of Mutual Funds in India
AML - Anti-Money Laundering
AMU - Asian Monetary Unit
ANBC - Adjusted Net Bank Credit
APS - Annual Policy Statement
AS - Accounting Standard
ATM - Automated Teller Machine
BAFT - Bankers’ Association for Finance &
BC - Business Correspondent
BCBS - Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
BCP - Business Continuity Planning
BCSBI - Banking Codes and Standards Board of
BE - Budget Estimates
BF - Business Facilitator
BFS - Board for Financial Supervision
BFSI - Banking Financial Services and Insurance
BIS - Bank for International Settlements
BMP - Basic Management Programme
BoP - Balance of Payments
BPLR - Benchmark Prime Lending Rate
BPSS - Board for Regulation and Supervision of
Payment and Settlement Systems
BRBNMPL - Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran
Private Limited
BSA - Bilateral Swap Arrangements
BSE - Bombay Stock Exchange, Mumbai
BSR - Basic Statistical Returns
BTC - Bankers’ Training College
CA - Concurrent Audit
CAB - College of Agricultural Banking
CACP - Commission for Agricultural Costs and
CAD - Current Account Deficit
CAMELS - Capital Adquacy, Asset Quality,
Management, Earnings, Liquidity,
Systems and Control
CAS - Central Account Section
CBDT - Central Board of Direct Taxes
CBLO - Collateralised Borrowing and Lending
CBS - Consolidated Banking Statistics
CBS - Core Banking Solutions
CC - Cubic Capacity
CCB - Central Co-operative Bank
CCC - Central Complaints Committee
CCIL - Clearing Corporation of India Limited
CCR - Counterfeit Currency Report
CCRS - Currency Chest Reporting System
CD - Certificate of Deposit
C-D - Currency-Deposit
CDBMS - Centralised Data Base Management
CDOs - Collateralised Debt Obligations
CDR - Corporate Debt Restructuring
CDS - Credit Default Swap
CENVAT - Central Value Added Tax
CFMS - Centralised Funds Management System
CFSA - Committee on Financial Sector
CFT - Combating Financing of Terrorism
CGFTMSE - Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro
and Small Enterprises
CGRA - Currency & Gold Revaluation Account
CIC - Central Information Commission
CICs - Credit Information Companies
CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States
CMCPS - Compulsorily and Mandatorily
Convertible Preference Shares
CMIS - Currency Management Information
CoBoSAC - Corporate Bonds and Securitisation
Advisory Committee
CODs - Central Office Departments
CoR - Certificate of Registration
CP - Commercial Paper
CPADS - Centralised Public Accounts Department
CPC - Cheque Processing Centre
CPDO - Centralised Public Debt Office
CPFF - Commercial Paper Funding Facility
CPI - Consumer Price Index
CPI-AL - Consumer Price Index-
Agricultural Labourers
CPI-RL - Consumer Price Index-
Rural Labourers
CPI-IW - Consumer Price Index for Industrial
CPIO - Central Public Information Officer
CPIs - Consumer Price Indices
CPMG - Corporate Performance Monitoring
CPPC - Central Pension Payment Cell
CPSEs - Central Public Sector Enterprises
CR - Contingency Reserve
CRAR - Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets Ratio
CRCS - Central Registar of Co-operative
CRR - Cash Reserve Ratio
CSAA - Control Self Assessment Audit
CSD - Customer Services Department
CSF - Consolidated Sinking Fund
CSGL - Constituant Subsidiary General Ledger
CSO - Central Statistical Organisation
CTR - Cash Transaction Receipt
CTS - Cheque Truncation System
CTS - Complaint Tracking System
CVD - Countervailing Duty
CVPS - Currency Verification and Processing
CWC - Central Water Commission
DAD - Deposit Accounts Department
DAP - District Agricultural Plan
DAPM - Department of Administration and
Personnel Management
DBOD - Department of Banking Operations and
DBS - Department of Banking Supervision
DCC - District Consultative Committee
DCCB - District Central Cooperative Bank
DCM - Department of Currency Management
DEAP - Department of Economic Analysis and
DEBC - Department of Expenditure and
Budgetary Control
DEIO - Department of External Investments and
DEPB - Duty Entitlement Pass Book
DGBA - Department of Government and Bank
DGCI & S - Directorate General of Commercial
Intelligence and Statistics
DIC - District Industries Centre
DICGC - Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee
DIP - Disclosure and Investor Protection
DIT - Department of Information Technology
DMIS - Document Management Information
DNBS - Department of Non-Banking Supervision
DOC - Department of Communication
DoT - Department of Telecommunication
DRG - Development Research Group
DRI - Differential Rate of Interest
DRT - Debt Recovery Tribunal
DS - Difference Stationary
DSB - Designated Settlement Banks
DSIM - Department of Statistics and Information
DvP - Delivery versus Payment
EACB - European Association of Co-operative
EBT - Electronic Benefit Transfer
ECB - European Central Bank
ECBs - External Commercial Borrowings
ECGC - Export Credit Guarantee Corporation
ECR - Export Credit Refinance
ECS - Electronic Clearing Services
EEA - Exchange Equalisation Account
EEFC - Exchange Earners’ Foreign Currency
EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer
EMEs - Emerging Market Economies
EOU - Export Oriented Unit
EPCG - Export Promotion Capital Goods
ESOS - Employees Stock Option Scheme
EU - European Union
EXIM Bank - Export Import Bank
FAO - Food & Agriculture Organisation
FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
FATF - Financial Action Task Force
FBT - Fringe Benefit Tax
FC - Financial Conglomerate
FCAs - Foreign Currency Assets
FCCB - Foreign Currency Convertible Bond
FCI - Food Corporation of India
FCNR(B) - Foreign Currency Non-Resident (Banks)
FDI - Foreign Direct Investment
FED - Foreign Exchange Department
FEDAI - Foreign Exchange Dealers’ Association
of India
FI - Financial Institutions
FIEO - Federation of Indian Export
FIIs - Foreign Institutional Investors
FIPB - Foreign Investment Promotion Board
FITL - Funded Interest Term Loan
FIU-IND - Financial Intelligence Unit-India
FLCCs - Financial Literacy and Credit Counseling
FMCG - Fast Moving Consumer Goods
FMD - Financial Markets Department
FOF - Flow of Funds
FPS - Focus Product Scheme
FRBM - Fiscal Responsibility and Budget
FRBs - Floating Rate Bonds
FRL - Full Reservoir Level
FRLs - Fiscal Responsibility Legislations
FSB - Financial Stability Board
FSF - Financial Stability Forum
FST - Financial Sector Technology
FVCIs - Foreign Venture Capital Investors
GCC - Gulf Cooperation Council
GCCs - General-purpose Credit Cards
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
GDRs - Global Depository Receipts
GFCE - Government Financial Consumption
GFD - Gross Fiscal Deficit
GFSR - Global Financial Stability Report
GIPSA - General Insurer’s (Public Sector)
Association of India
GoI - Government of India
GRF - Guarantee Redemption Fund
GSDP - Gross State Domestic Product
GST - Goods and Services Tax
HFCs - Housing Finance Companies
HLAC - High Level Advisory Committee
HLCCFM - High Level Coordination Committee on
Financial Markets
HLG - High Level Group
HR - Human Resources
HRDD - Human Resources Development
HRMS - Human Resources Management
HSUI - Housing Start Up Index
HTM - Held-to-Maturity
IAS - Integrated Accounting Systems
IASC - Inspection and Audit Sub-Committee
IBA - Indian Banks’ Association
ICAC - International Cotton Advisory
ICAI - Institute of Chartered Accountants of
ICAR - Indian Council for Agricultural Research
ICCOMS - Integrated Computerised Currency
Operations and Management System
ICT - Information and Communication
IDMD - Internal Debt Management Department
IDR - Indian Depository Receipt
IDRBT - Institute for Development & Research in
Banking Technology
IEM - Industrial Entrepreneurs Memoranda
IES - Integrated Establishment System
IGIDR - Indira Gandhi Institute of Development
IIA - Institute of Internal Auditors
IIBM - Indian Institute of Bank Management
IIFCL - India Infrastructure Finance Company
IIFT - Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
IIP - Index of Industrial Production
ILO - International Labour Organisation
IMA - Internal Models Approach
IMD - India Millennium Deposits
IMD - India Meteorological Department
IMF - International Monetary Fund
IMFC - International Monetary and Financial
IODP - Integrated Officers Development
IPAs - Issuing and Paying Agents
IPCC - Inter-Govermental Panel on Climate
IPCs - Irrevocable Payment Commitments
IPDIs - Innovative Perpetual Debt Instruments
IPOs - Initial Public Offerings
IP-RR - Interest Payment - Revenue Receipt
IRB - Internal Ratings-Based
IRDA - Insurance Regulatory and Development
IRFs - Interest Rate Futures
ISA - Information Systems Audit
ISACA - Information Systems Audit and Control
ISMS - Information Security Management
ISO - International Organisation for
IT - Information Technology
IT-BPO - Information Technology - Business
Process Outsourcing
ITEs - Intra-Group Transactions and Exposures
IWMP - Integrated Watershed Management
JLG - Joint Liability Group
JNNURM - Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban
Renewal Mission
KCCs - Kisan Credit Cards
KVIBs - Khadi and Village Industries Boards
KVIC - Khadi and Village Industries
KYC - Know Your Customer
LAF - Liquidity Adjustment Facility
LB - Lowest daily outstanding Balance
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
LIBOR - London Inter-Bank Offer Rate
LOI - Letter of Intent
LPA - Long Period Average
MASI - Management Audit Systems Inspection
MAT - Minimum Alternate Tax
MCA - Ministry of Corporate Affairs
MBS - Mortgage Backed Securities
MF - Mutual Funds
MFDEF - Micro Finance Development and Equity
MFDF - Micro Finance Development Fund
MFI - Micro Finance Institution
MICR - Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
MMA - Macro Management of Agriculture
MMBCS - Magnetic Media Based Clearing System
MMMFs - Money Market Mutual Funds
MMS - Multi Modal Settlements
MODVAT - Modified Value Added Tax
MoU - Memorandum of Understanding
MPD - Monetary Policy Department
MPI - Macro-Prudential Indicators
MPLS - Multi Protocol Label Switching
MSE-CDP - Micro and Small Enterprises Cluster
Development Programme
MSEs - Micro and Small Enterprises
MSMEs - Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
MSOE - Minimum Standards of Operational
MSP - Minimum Support Price
MSS - Market Stabilisation Scheme
MTM - Mark-to-Market
NAB - New Arrangement to Borrow
NABARD - National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
NASSCOM - National Association of Software and
Services Companies
NAV - Net Asset Value
NBFCs - Non-Banking Financial Companies
NBFC-D - Deposit taking NBFC
NBFC-ND - Non-deposit taking NBFC
NBFC-ND-SI - Systemically Important Non-deposit
taking NBFC
NCR - National Capital Region
NBO - National Building Organisation
NDA - Net Domestic Asset
NDS - Negotiated Dealing Systems
NDS - OM - Negotiated Dealing System - Order
NDTL - Net Demand and Time Liability
NECS - National Electronic Clearing System
NEFT - National Electronic Funds Transfer
NFS - National Financial Switch
NFA - Net Foreign Assets
NFSM - National Food Security Mission
NGO - Non-Government Organisation
NHB - National Housing Bank
NIBM - National Institute of Bank Management
NIC - National Informatics Centre
NIF - National Investment Fund
NIMSME - National Institute for Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises
NIPFP - National Institute of Public Finance and
NOC - No Objection Certificate
NOF - Net Owned Funds
NPAs - Non-Performing Assets
NPCI - National Payments Corporation of India
NPS - New Pension Scheme
NRAA - National Rain Fed Area Authority
NREGS - National Rural Employment Guarantee
NR(E)RA - Non-Resident (External) Rupee Account
NRI - Non-Resident Indian
NRRDA - National Rural Road Development
NSE - National Stock Exchange
NSM - Note Sorting Machine
NSSF - National Small Saving Fund
NSSO - National Sample Survey Organisation
OBCs - Other Backward Classs
OBE - Off- Balance Sheet Exposures
OD - Overdraft
OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development
ODI - Offshore Derivative Instruments
OLTAS - Online Tax Accounting System
OMO - Open Market Operation
OMS - Open Market Sales
OPEC - Organisation for Petroleum Exporting
ORFS - Online Returns Filing System
OSMOS - Off-Site Monitoring and Surveillance
OTC - Over-the-Counter
OTS - One-Time Settlement
PACS - Primary Agricultural Credit Socity
PAD - Public Accounts Department
PAN - Permanent Account Number
PCA - Prompt Corrective Action
PCPS - Perpetual Cumulative Preference
PDs - Primary Dealers
PDI - Perpetual Debt Instruments
PDO - Public Debt Office
PDO-NDS - Public Debt Office - Negotiated Dealing
PDS - Public Distribution System
PE - Private Equity
PFCE - Private Final Consumption Expenditure
PFRDA - Pension Fund Regulatory and
Development Authority
PGPBF - Post Graduate Programme in Banking &
PIT - Personal Income Tax
PMEGP - Prime Minister Employment Generation
PMLA - Prevention of Money Laundering Act
PMRY - Prime Minister’s Rojgar Yojana
PNCPs - Perpetual Non-Cumulative Preference
POL - Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants
PPP - Public Private Partnership
PSBs - Public Sector Banks
PSS Act - Payment & Settlement Systems Act
PSUs - Public Sector Undertakings
QCBS - Quality and Cost Based Selection
QIB - Qualified Institutional Buyer
QIP - Qualified Institutional Placement
QMS - Quality Management System
R&D - Research & Development
RBIA - Risk Based Internal Audit
RBSC - Reserve Bank Staff College
RCs - Reconstruction Companies
RCC - Regional Complaints Committee
RCS - Registar of Co-operative Societies
RE - Revised Estimates
REER - Real Effective Exchange Rate
REGP - Rural Employment Generation Programme
RIDF - Rural Infrastructure Development Fund
RKVY - Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
RNCPS - Redeemable Non-Cumulative
Preference Shares
RoA - Return on Assets
ROE - Return on Equity
ROSC - Report on Observance of Standards
and Codes
RPCD - Rural Planning and Credit Department
RRBs - Regional Rural Banks
RTGS - Real Time Gross Settlement
RTI - Right to Information
RTP - Reserve Tranche Position
SAARC - South Asian Association for Regional
SACPs - Special Agricultural Credit Plans
SAD - Single Administrative Document
SDDS - Special Data Dissemination Standards
SAMIS - Service Area Monitoring and Information
SAP - State Agricultural Plan
SARFAESI - Securitisation and Reconstruction of
Financial Assets and Enforcement of
Security Interest
SBI - State Bank of India
SC - Scheduled Caste
SCs - Securitisation Companies
SCB - Scheduled Commercial Bank
SDLs - State Development Loans
SDR - Special Drawing Rights
SEBI - Securities and Exchange Board of India
SEZs - Special Economic Zones
SFCs - State Finance Corporations
SFMS - Structured Financial Messaging System
SFURTI - Scheme for Fund for Regeneration of
Traditional Industries
SGL - Subsidiary General Ledger
SHGs - Self-Help Groups
SIDBI - Small Industries Development Bank of
SIFI - Systemically Important Financial
SIPS - Systemically Important Payment System
SITP - Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks
SIVs - Structured Investment Vehicles
SLAF - Second Liquidity Adjustment Facility
SLA(IC) - Sundry Liabilities Account (Interest
SLB - Securities Lending and Borrowing
SLBC - State Level Bankers’ Committee
SLR - Statutory Liquidity Ratio
SMEs - Small and Medium Enterprises
SMO - Special Market Operations
SPMCIL - Security Printing and Minting
Corporation of India Ltd.
SPV - Special Purpose Vehicle
SREP - Supervisory Review and Evaluation
SRMS - Self Employment Scheme for
Rehabilitation of Manual Scavangers
SSS - Securities Settlement System
ST - Scheduled Tribe
StCB - State Co-operative Bank
STCRC - Short-Term Co-operative Rural Credit
STOs - State Treasury Offices
STR - Suspicious Transaction Report
STRIPS - Separate Trading for Registered Interest
and Principal of Securities
TAC - Technical Advisory Committee
TAFCUBs - Task Force for Urban Co-operative
TAG - Technical Advisory Group
TALF - Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan
TFC - Twelfth Finance Commission
TFCI - Tourism Finance Corporation of India
TFP - Total Factor Productivity
TFTS - Trade for Trade Settlement
TIN - Tax Information Network
TMSM - Training Methods and Skills for
TMT - Thermo Mechanically Treated
ToRs - Terms of References
TS - Trend Stationary
TUFS - Technology Upgraded Fund Scheme
UBD - Urban Banks Department
UCBs - Urban Cooperative Banks
UCNs - Uniform Code Numbers
UNDP - United Nations Developement
UNICO - Umbrella Organisation for Large
Cooperative Banks in Europe
UNDP - United Nations Development
UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development
UNME - Urban Non-Manual Employees
UTs - Union Territories
VAR - Vector Autoregression
VaR - Value at Risk
VKGUY - Vishesh Krishi Gram Udyog Yojana
VPN - Virtual Private Network
WADR - Weighted Average Discount Rate
WEO - World Economic Outlook
WMA - Ways and Means Advances
WPI - Wholesale Price Index
WSS - Weekly Statistical Supplement
WTO - World Trade Organisation
XBRL - eXtensible Business Reporting
XML - Extensible Markup Language
Y-o-Y - Year-on-Year
ZTC - Zonal Training Centre
